Dry sockets (AKA: Alveolar Osteitis) don’t frequently occur after extractions but are still a topic of discussion because of how much pain it can cause our patients. For that matter, our dentists are trained to prevent them through a higher standard of care and planned out treatment protocols designed to minimize such an event.
Dry sockets begin when a blood clot forming in an extraction site dislodges. Although this wouldn’t sound like a big deal because scabs fall off painlessly on scratches you may have obtained. However, since your extraction site is bigger than just any scab, it has exposed nerve endings that once used to attach to your pulled tooth. This can cause severe pain and delay the healing process.
How do I know if I have a dry socket!?
A dry socket is very painful and can be visually seen at the extraction site. You may see visible bone in the socket, pain that radiates to your ear, side of your head, neck, bad breath or foul odor coming from your mouth and maybe an unpleasant taste in your mouth. A certain amount of this pain can be attributed to discomfort from the extraction itself. If you are unable to manage this pain with a pain reliever like ibuprofen or the pain is worsening day after day, you should call your dentist or dental professional immediately.
Causes and Risk Factors
Some factors that increases your chances of getting a dry socket area as follows:
- Smoking
- Oral Contraceptives
- Improper at-home care
- Tooth or gum infection

Try to stop smoking as the sucking motion can cause your blood clot to dislodge. This holds true for any other activities that may cause this same motion like drinking with a straw. Sticking with your normal post operatory instructions will help as well. More here.
What your Dentist and Oral Surgeon can do
If you suspect that you have a dry socket talk to your dentist or oral surgeon. They may bring you into the clinic to do one of the following.
- Antiseptic wash
- Oral antibiotics
- Medicated dressing applied to the extraction site
Our main goal is to keep you healthy and smiling. Ensuring that you have a smooth healing process is our goal.

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