General Dentistry

Taking charge of your oral health and practicing proper oral hygiene is a great first step in minimizing your risk for oral diseases. With the addition of regular dental appointments, our dentist partners can help prevent dental diseases all-together. Our dentist partners have been trained professionally to find early signs of disease using the most up-to-date devices and technologies. During a dental examination, you can expect the following:

Comprehensive Evaluation

The evaluation will look at all the conditions of your mouth and determine the status of your oral health. Depending on the condition of your mouth, we will continue to help you maintain it or create a treatment to address any cavity we find.

A quick oral cancer screening can help detect any early signs of cancer. Early detection is key to prevent cancer from developing further.


A thorough cleaning by our hygienists will leave your pearly whites feeling fresh, smooth, and clean. Our hygiene team is experienced and skilled to give you a comfortable and therapeutic experience.


After every cleaning and treatment our providers will provide you with clear instructions on how to manage and maintain your oral health at home.


While GLO Dental Group strives to provide the highest quality services with a patient-centered approach, we also uphold patient education as one of our core values. Our professional team is invested in educating our patients on every aspect of oral health and disease. With additional help from technological advances such as digital x-rays and intraoral cameras, our patients receive the tools and education to fully take charge of their oral health.


Night guards may be a great option for addressing some of the issues associated with your jaw. Our professionals will provide you with the comfort and relief you need with our custom-fit night guard option.

Dental Emergencies

GLO Dental Group provides a wide range of services that includes any immediate dental emergency that needs to be addressed. A dental emergency may involve a broken tooth, painful jaw or teeth, swelling of the mouth or face, or any other concerns related to the head and neck. Some of the common dental emergencies include:

Sensitive teeth can result from many factors that may include extensive cavities or brushing too hard that causes your gums to withdraw (known as recession). Whatever the reason may be, a trip to one of our offices can help identify what is the cause of your tooth sensitivity.

Many times untreated cavities can reach into the blood system of the tooth (known as the pulp). When infection has reached the pulp, it can send painful signals to your nerves that may only be treated with a root canal.


Depending on the extent of an infection, sometimes an extraction is the best option to maintain your oral health. Extractions of third molars may also help prevent cavities by making it easier for you to brush and floss in certain areas in the back of the mouth.

Jaw Pain

Pain, clicking, or locking of the jaws have become an increasingly common problem in today’s world. Clenching and grinding your teeth while sleeping or during high stress moments can be the reason you are experiencing these symptoms.

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