Orthodontics & Invisalign ®

Invisalign clear aligners are the alternatives to braces! Unlike traditional metal braces, a smooth Invisalign aligner is invisible, customized, and manufactured to fit your specific needs. Below is a general description of what you can expect from your Invisalign Treatment. 

How it works

Initial Visit

At your first Invisalign Consultation Exam, we will take photos and a 3D scan of your teeth. These will then be sent off to Invisalign head quarters to print you a custom set of aligners tailored to straightening your unique smile!

Your Responsibility

To get the most of your Invisalign aligners, it is advisable to wear them for 22 hours a day. Since these aligners are removable, you can take them out whenever you eat or drink anything other than water. 

Check Ups

Once we have received your aligners and initiated your treatment, we will schedule an appointment ever 2-3 months to check your progress! It is


After you are done with your treatment, we will take another 3D scan of your new smile and custom print you an aligner to keep your brand new smile in place!

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